What is your name (the one you write under) and what genre/s do you write?
Vicki-Ann Bush. I write paranormal and teen fiction.
How long have you been writing for and how did you begin your writing journey?
Since I was thirteen years old when I participated in a school contest to write and construct a book.
Which of your characters is your favorite to write and why?
I enjoy writing Margaret, Alex McKenna's girlfriend. She's kind, strong, and fiercely protective of the people she loves.
Which of your books or series was your favorite to create and write?
I'd have to say I'm torn between The Geranium Deaths, and The Academy of Souls.
What do you do when a new idea pops up and you're still in the middle of your current book, do you chase that squirrel or complete your current project first?
I usually jot down the idea and then complete my current project first.
What do you enjoy the most about writing in your genre/s?
The spookiness.
Tell readers something unique or fun about yourself or your writing process.
Sometimes, when I need a clear picture of the scene, I'll act it out.
Is there something readers can take away from your writing or characters?
I hope they can feel entertained but also inspired. I try to give each main character a strong sense of who they are.
What do you know now about writing/publishing that you wish you knew when you published your first book?
I wish I had been less afraid to take the leap into sending out query's. I would have started sooner.
What advice would you give to those thinking about writing their first book?
Do it. Don't worry about about the what if's, they'll be plenty of time for that later. Bwahahahaha...LOL